Fig. 7. Dyrk1B and AMPK contribute to the stabilization of p27KIP1 by increasing its phosphorylation at S10 and T197, respectively, in cells lacking CK2α. (A-D) Cells were serum-starved for 48 hours in the absence or presence of doxycycline as indicated in the Fig.. Thirty minutes before adding full growth medium, cells were added 0.1 μM Wortmannin (A), 10 μM Compound A (C), 10 μM Dorsomorphin (D) or an equivalent volume of DMSO (Control). Cells were harvested 30 minutes after release from starvation (+0.5) and after 5 hours (+5), respectively. Whole cell lysate was analyzed by western blot employing antibodies directed against the indicated proteins. Detection of β-actin was used as a loading control. * Denotes unspecific signal not corresponding to phosphorylated p27KIP1.